Submission Review
Ready to send your book out into the world? Have your submission documents reviewed to make sure everything's in the best possible shape to impress your dream agent.

About this report
You've done the hard bit: you've finished your book. But now it's time to take the next step – and it's important to get it right. If you're looking for a second opinion before you start submitting, this is the report for you. We'll look at the effectiveness of your synopsis and letter, as well as the writing in your sample pages – is everything working as hard as it could? Will it keep an agent reading?
We've helped lots of our students find – and be signed by – their perfect agent, so we're confident we'll be able to help.

Is this the right report for me?
If you've finished your manuscript and are planning to pursue a traditional publishing deal – whether that's by seeking agent representation or submitting directly to publishing houses with open submissions – this report will give you feedback on your submission package. As well as having a finished manuscript, you'll need to have a synopsis and a draft of a covering letter ready.
View Sample Report
For letter, synopsis and fifty pages

Please note that this report is only suitable for writers with a finished manuscript who are preparing to submit to agents or publishers. If you're at an earlier stage in your writing journey, our How's My Driving? report might be more appropriate. And if you're looking for feedback on your manuscript in its entirety, there's our Full Report.
Get in touchWhat to submit
Covering letter
By this, we mean the covering letter that you're planning to send to agents. If you'd like to include a separate covering note for us with any information you think we'll need when finding a reader for you, you're very welcome to – just pop that in a clearly labelled separate document.
The synopsis you're planning to submit to agents – bear in mind that lots of agencies require this to be 1-2 pages long, though your reader may be able to advise if you're still struggling to get yours down to that.
The first fifty pages of your manuscript
These should be presented in 12 pt font, double-line spaced, with the pages numbered. If your extract finishes in the middle of a scene or chapter, it's sometimes best to pick a slightly earlier, more impactful end point when you're submitting – but, again, your reader may be able to help with that. It's not possible to submit a longer sample to take you to the end of a chapter, though.
encouraging words that have inspired me to keep going – every word of this report is like gold dust to me!

Frequently Asked Questions
I'm self-publishing but I would like advice on my novel – is this report suitable for me?
No, this one’s not the right one for you. As much of the report will focus on the covering letter and synopsis of a submission package, it’s not going to provide the best value in this instance. You’ll need a Full Report for feedback that’s solely about your manuscript itself. Or you can submit the first 30,000 words for a How’s My Driving? report.
If the reader thinks my submission is strong, will you pass it on to agents for me?
No, that’s not part of our service. If the reader thinks you’ve done everything right and it’s time to submit, they may occasionally point you in the direction of a specific agent, but we won’t make that connection on your behalf. The relationship between agent and client is a really individual one. It’s not just about finding an agent who represents your genre, but about it being someone you really click with professionally and from an editorial point of view. Unfortunately, that takes research (and, usually, making a fair few submissions)! But we think it’s important, and we’d never advise taking shortcuts on this part of the process.
Who are your readers?
Our readers are all experienced assessors, having worked in editorial roles at either a publishing house or literary agency. They have a wide range of background and interests so we’ll always be looking to match your manuscript with someone who’ll be just right for it.
How long is standard turnaround versus express?
Our standard turnaround will get the report back to you within four weeks of your booking. If you need it sooner than that, you can request an express turnaround (seven working days) for an additional fee of £100, subject to reader availability.