Getting Started: Beginners' Fiction Getting Started: Beginners' Fiction Getting Started: Beginners' Fiction

Getting Started: Beginners' Fiction

Learn everything you’ll need to take you from a standing start to creating scintillating stories from scratch. Under the stewardship of an experienced Faber tutor, you’ll gain the tools needed to start writing gripping prose with both substance and style.


Starting out

What do these levels mean?




12 weeks
  • Start Date
  • Time
  • Flexible (see Course Programme)

Places available


7 in stock


You want to write. Start here.

This engaging course offers some of the practical tools needed to start crafting compelling stories from scratch. Along this explorative journey, which starts with perceptive notetaking and generating creative ideas, we will begin to explore the poetry of prose, decode how to create flawed or fabulous characters, learn how to flesh out the three-dimensionality of setting and much more.

All the essentials will be covered; everything from point of view, to structure, from setting to characterisation, so that by the end of the course, you will be fully equipped with the toolkit needed to start crafting original stories with confidence.

Is this the right course for me?

This course is for writers with a story to tell who are ready to take that first step, facilitated by expert tutors who’ll guide you through the different modules and support you along the route. Study wherever you are in the world, at a time that suits you, with a flexible fortnightly structure

The Faber Academy Scholarship Programme

There are scholarship places available on this course for writers who otherwise could not afford to attend. We particularly welcome applications from writers of colour, disabled writers and LGBTQ+ writers. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is 3 March.


To apply, please submit your covering letter (as a Word doc or PDF), explaining your reasons for applying to a scholarship for this course to, with the subject line ‘Scholarship Application: Getting Started (Online) – March 2025’. As part of your cover letter, please also include a book recommendation (up to 200 words): which book would you recommend to another writer, and why?


A great first line: simple, punchy and memorable. An opening paragraph bristling with hooks. A first chapter that sets up the inciting incidents to follow so well, it would be impossible not to read on. A compelling character arc. Propulsive, poetic prose at sentence-level that makes a reader’s eyes fizz down the page. There’s a lot to get right, it seems, and this course is for those ready to be bold and take that first step by writing the first line.

    This course is formed of six sessions, each open for a fortnight. All sessions will open on a Monday.

Course Programme

Session 1

17 March – 30 March

Becoming a Writer: Finding Your Vo...

Session 2

31 March – 13 April

The Poetry of Prose: The Sound of ...

Session 3

14 April – 27 April

Structure and Pace: Keeping the Re...

See remaining sessions

Course Programme

Getting Started: Beginners' Fiction (Online)

Session 1

17 March – 30 March

Becoming a Writer: Finding Your Voice and Deciding Who Tells the Story

We'll look at how writers work and how we can develop creativity and discipline. This session will focus on how to generate original ideas, perceptive note taking and maintaining good habits to get started and alleviate fear of the blank page.

Session 2

31 March – 13 April

The Poetry of Prose: The Sound of That First Line

Drawing on an exploration of the poetic form to inform our prose. Encouraging close analysis of how words and lines sound, how to conjure imagery for descriptive texture. Exploring how pithy poetry can help shape a longer narrative.

Session 3

14 April – 27 April

Structure and Pace: Keeping the Reader Reading

Thinking about story shape and structure, plotting the right scenes in the right places. Exploring techniques to vary the pace of your story to keep the reader engaged and invested in the hooks that have been set up.

Session 4

28 April – 11 May

Setting and Characters: People and Places, People and Places…

Where your story takes place – why it's important? The tools to craft a three-dimensional storyworld. Creating round characters, where they come from, and making them believable.

Session 5

12 May – 25 May

Let’s Talk Dialogue

Offering techniques to ensure dialogue moves the story on, seeking the right balance between realism and economy of speech. Beginning to edit and finesse your work.

Session 6

26 May – 8 June

Independent Writing Time

Independent writing time, with full access to chat rooms and forums to share work and feedback.


Faber Academy's bespoke online classroom has been built from scratch specifically for helping writers develop their craft. Through this platform you will access your weekly sessions, watch video lessons, join any Zoom sessions, download class materials and interact with your fellow writers in dedicated forums at a time that suits you. Our online learning model prioritises interaction, lively discussion and workshopping in small groups to help you get the most out of your learning experience.



Kirsty Logan

Kirsty Logan’s latest books are the novel Now She is Witch and The Unfamiliar: A Queer Motherhood Memoir...

More About This Tutor
Kirsty Logan

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